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The Club

"Its broad lounge, its bar, its dining-room none so elaborately furnished as to make a rough-handed hunter pause at its door, nor yet dowdy as to make a diamond pendant swing ill at ease were rooms in which the people who made Africa I knew danced and talked and laughed, hour after hour"
Beryl Markam, West with the Night, 1942
It is not just its history that makes Muthaiga Country Club so special. Today, some of its finest moments are contemporary: its comfortable en suite bedrooms with their modern amenities, its first-class sports facilities and extended library with its 20,000 books. Then of course, there is the food, of which the Club is justifiably proud - fresh roasts and daily à la carte are overseen by an army of classically trained chefs.
At Muthaiga Country Club, however deeply the past may envelop you, your present comfort always comes first. If you are planning to visit Kenya and your club has reciprocating arrangements with ours, no one will make you feel more at home.